Puck-Planet – Back And Rebuilding
For those of you who were not around when Puck Planet first was created, I wanted to give a brief idea of what it was and what we are going to build here over time.
At its peak, PuckPlanet had 36 active writers (not counting the part-time writers) covering all the NHL teams as well as writers for various AHL ECHL NCAA teams and a few who covered other leagues. We had media credential access for our writers and we were really starting to get rolling. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, it ended for a time.
I am here to rebuild it back to not only where we were before, but beyond. This is going to be your one-stop spot for all things hockey. All leagues all countries all players all here in one spot. It will take some time to rebuild back but it’s time to start taking those small steps each day to get back.
If you would like to participate or have any interest in covering a team or writing an occasional article or op-ed piece please let me know. You can reach me directly at ryan.crappa@puck-planet.com.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the project and Puck-Planet moving forward or have any other suggestions or ideas please feel free to reach out and ask.
Open to collaborations as well as guest appearances/articles.
We hope to hear from you soon.